Special price CatGenie GenieDome
This week time to post about CatGenie GenieDome Avaliable best prices limited only The CatGenie GenieDome has been tested by a team of experts in their field and its ready for market Made of 4 removable sections (2 side walls and 2 dome halves).Includes Genie SideWalls.Great for cats who crave total privacy.Accessory for the CatGenie 120 Self-Washing Self-Flushing Cat Box.White dome tops the rim that nests to the CatGenie 120 base..
CatGenie GenieDome
CatGenie GenieDome Product Detail
Made of 4 removable sections (2 side walls and 2 dome halves) Includes Genie SideWalls Great for cats who crave total privacy Accessory for the CatGenie 120 Self-Washing Self-Flushing Cat Box White dome tops the rim that nests to the CatGenie 120 base
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